"Right Sizing" Cooling Systems
Libertyville, IL
The AP50 building is one of the many buildings located in the Abbvie-Abbott complex in Libertyville, IL. This building (AP50) was converted from a lab to an office building a few years ago consisting of open offices, conference rooms, lunch rooms and miscellaneous individual offices. Due to this conversion, the cooling load has reduced but the building’s cooling plant was never replaced. It consists of 2 indoor screw chillers, 4 air-cooled condensers (2 for each chiller), multiple chilled water pumps, piping distribution systems and controls.
The scope of MEG's services was to evaluate the existing chillers, condensers and related chilled water system serving the existing facility and develop cooling load calculations and propose a solution to replace the existing cooling system with a new energy efficient chiller system (as the existing chilled water plant is oversized for current office usage).
Based on system evaluation and building load calculations, it was recommended to replace the existing chilled system with a new state of the art fluid chiller system to meet the building’s reduced cooling needs. Although, the fluid chiller has a higher initial cost, we recommended this system to the client due to its high efficiency. Payback calculations indicate that there will be approximately $8,000.00 operating cost savings annually versus the existing cooling system.
Abbvie-Abbott is pleased with our findings and recommendation and will benefit from our work throughout future cooling seasons.